Debtor Insight Visit

Debtor Insight is used by leading liquidation practices, credit managers and financiers in New Zealand to identify credit risk and business oppportunities.

The platform uses natural language processing (NLP) and AI to analyse plaintext court notices relating to liquidations and receiverships in New Zealand. The platform includes custom dashboards and charting (implemented using Chart.js) and integration with the government NZBN register (using my open sourced NZBN gem).

Customer subscriptions were launched in 2019 and I led business development to continued customer growth.

Date: 2019

Key technologies: Ruby on Rails NLP Heroku Chart.js Stripe

Automated Audit with Xero

With the growing adoption of cloud accounting packages and 'open APIs', I hypothesised that it would be possible to automate a large number of audit and compliance procedures using cloud technology.

I built a prototype tool using Rails and the Xero API to assist in verifying and testing various account balances. I prototyped the use of OCR (through Google Vision) to verify integrity of supporting documents (invoices, receipts) against underlying ledger transactions.

There are some API restrictions which make testing of various balances difficult however this project was a great introduction into building a robust finance product.

Date: 2017

Key technologies: Ruby on Rails Xero Google Cloud Vision React.js

Automated Related Party Checks - Audit and Independence

This was built to automate and improve the accuracy of related party checks for client engagements.

I developed and open soruced a Ruby wrapper for the NZ Companies Office API and built a self service web application to identify potential related party transactions.

This tool uses an algorithm to identify secondary and tertiary directorships and shareholdings for current directors (and recently resigned directors) to assist an engagement team to identify potential related party conflicts.

The application has been used to completed thousands of checks since launch in 2015.

Date: 2015

Key technologies: Ruby on Rails Actioncable Javascript

Fixxed App

This application powered the back-office of an iPhone/iPad repair business and was built and maintained using Ruby on Rails. By the time this application (and business was acquired) it had tracked thousands of repairs across multiple service centers in Australia and New Zealand.

Key features included:
- Customer/business secure login to view repair status and accept/decline quotes.
- Device and service tracking for reporting purposes.
- Full audit trail of location/status of every device.
- Email and SMS notifications.
- Service dashboard for management to monitor KPIs.

This application was a key part of the competitive advantage for the business and key deal point upon acquisition.

Date: 2010-2014

Key technologies: Ruby on Rails